Train your body at global metaverse gym by VitalVeda!

Train your body at global metaverse gym by VitalVeda!

Amir Neghabian, Founder & CEO of VitalVeda, tells us how to become healthier person and earn VVFIT and VVG tokens.

Could you please explain the advantages of the latest AR and VR technologies?

A: At VitalVeda, we are about integrating all the trending technologies with Fitness together, the AR and VR are the two technologies that plan to build exciting exercise and work out a solution to challenge this industry and provide a new solution to the fitness enthusiast who is open to new adaptation to their workout routine. 

The very first innovative solution that VitalVeda is going to introduce is an AI movement tracking solution along with AR which allows one to assess and compare the trainee’s movement and exercises versus the instructor who proves the workout routine online. This solution is user-friendly and exciting for users who take part, and it can be easily used by device which has got a camera such as a smartphone or Notebooks.

We are in innovation and our motive is constantly by introducing solutions that can change the world of Fitness and workout exercise. 

Who are the creators of fitness programs and challenges in VitalVeda (maybe some famous sportsmen, coaches or masters of sport)? 

A: VitalVeda is an open content creator solution on the Web3 model of operation, we allow the best top fitness instructors to create and promote their content on our state-of-the-art platform and create this opportunity for them to introduce and market their solution to our users. 

How does your ecosystem track the correctness of doing physical exercises and completeness of fitness challenges?

A: We are using an innovative solution for the first time which can track all the exercises performed by individuals and use the AI element to track the correctness of the workout routine and provide an accurate score rating of the performance as well as notify the progress and track their exercise time to users to create better motivation for our customers. 

Is it compulsory to do all the exercises on a platform to get rewards or VVGame Tokens?

A: I believe that any amount of exercise one person does is a reward in the first place as being a healthier person as being healthy is wealthy. 

VitalVeda’s goal is that users get the ultimate result they are looking for by doing their exercise and physical activities. Of course, the result is based on what package the user selects and obviously by completing that program package one can be eligible for a reward as the Token Reward of VVG. 

All fitness programs have weekends or cheat day! Has your platform got such days for relax? 

A: Of course, our program package comes from experts and specialists who know how human physiology will work and how much exercise one person needs per week to get the best result possible. Resting and letting your body rejuvenate is always what needs to be considered. Your body deserves to have rest after a good workout routine to maximize the effect and prepare your muscles and boost your energy for a follow-up routine. 

What physical shape should a person have to take part in your project?

A: Regardless of age and current physical condition, VitalVeda Programs are for everyone to partake. The aim is to get healthier and fitter and each person persuades own objective from the daily workout routine he or she plans to have and of course the amount of time each person wants to set aside for the most important aspect of their life as being healthier.

Are there any health-related contraindications for the use of VitalVeda?

A: I cannot think of any as VitalVeda solution is easy and safe to use with a friendly user interface and instructions to follow. User can send questions to the fitness instructor for any advice or assistance. However, one needs to consult with a medical Physician to get up to date on health and physical status and make sure that doing certain exercises may not be harmful or dangerous for a person’s current health condition.

What VV Fitness Programs are you going to introduce to your consumers in 2023?

A: VitalVeda is a marketplace between trainees and trainers and the bridge will be connected directly, Programs will be created by top fitness instructors in the market and will be widely available for all users. 2023 is an exciting year for VitalVeda with many exciting and fun programs to introduce to our community.

Do you have any reward programs for referrals or ambassadors of your project?

A: Yes, absolutely as we value our influencers and ambassadors who are helping us by introducing us to their community and followers, VitalVeda’s aim is to establish a long-lasting relationship with their partners and that has been highlighted in our Tokenomic distribution and amount that we reserve and allocated for influencers as part of our ongoing activities. We would like to give this scene to our ambassadors that are part of VitalVeda family.
